John's poems of...LIFE - LIVING &LOVE...JDJ

1,776,325 poems read

Life for us --ALL--can -be--and--is--DISCOURAGING
Thats why we have to be, and become, our greatest, POSITIVE--cheer-leader--and---more---ENCOURAGING

We dont need the compliment, and praise, of any --OTHER--at--ALL
We ourselves, alone, when we give all the GLORY, to GOD, we only need HIS--Everlasting--unconditional--LOVE--ALONE--to--stand--TALL

In --our --life,-- living,-- and --LOVE
Be ---discouraged---, dissappointed,--- disgruntled, ---and--depressed---NOT---, and --let --your--- DIRECTION-- DEDICATION--, DETERMINATION--, DEVOUTION--, LOVE-- and --HOPE--, be --with --our ----HEAVENLY-- FATHER-- in --the ---HOLY--HEAVENS--ABOVE

Know, --silently,-- quietly, --spiritually--and --maybe---not --always --visibly, --that--with-- GODS,-- LOVE,-- you --have ---everything--and---ALOT

Don't-- let ---DISCOURAGEMENT---, and ---DISSAPPOINTMENT,--- cause ---you--- to ---feel,--- DOWN, ---wirh-----DEVASTATION---DEPRESSION----and---DOOM
Know -no -matter -who,- what-, or,- where, -or--why---ALWAYS-- the --seasons --will--change,-- and --for --us --all, --in --our --life, --living, --and --love, --the --sun --will --brighty, --lovingly, --shine --for--you---very----SOON

But --we---dont --have --to --wait --for --the --SUN-- to --BEAM-- in --our --HEART
Reach ---out ---, to ---another ---who---is--- down,--- very ---low,--- in ---the--- corner---, crouched ---over, ---with ---DISCOURAGEMENT, ---and---DEPRESSION--in --the-- dark, --and --cold, --with--your --loving --heart, --reach --out --to --them --with --COMPASSION,-- LOVE,-- SUPPORT,-- MERCY--, GRACE,-- and --UNDERSTANDING--do --it --now, --do --your--loving----PART

When-- you --feel --your --lowest, --worst,-- and --most--DISCOURAGED
It --will --be --your --life, --living, --and --loves,-- greatest-- BLESSING,-- when --you --reach --deep, --and --another,-- with--your-- loving --HEART----TOUCH----and----ENCOURAGE

To --GOD,---- in --your --life, --living,-- and --LOVE, ----give --all -of---the --GLORY,-- and --PRAISE
All --------of --------your --------live --------long---------DAYS

In --this --LIFE---what ----greater ----GLORY--, is ---THERE----in---COMPARE
Than -to -lovingly-heartfully--touch -another, -who -is -devastated, -down, -depressed- and -doomed,----- with -your -LOVING-, COMPASSIONATE-- HEART--,and --show-- them-- you----really---truely---CARE

By john d JUNGERS
23rd of February 2017

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Life for us--ALL--can be--DISCOURAGING