Natures Gentle Song
The loneliness and ache
Oh, memory of you
Is sitting upon my heart
Like a rose covered in dew
Sweetness comes spilling out
To claim the bitterness
Holding back the harsh of day
Replaced by joyfulness
I’m looking out at you, as thoughts
flow through my window
I see the fields indulged
Where wild flowers grow
Your breath upon the thistles
Like a caressing wind
A kiss you placed upon the land
A sweet spray like rain scent
Thorns will grow and spread
But dew will come to rest
Gently like the rose it covers
Easing pain at best
I feel you all around me
Your love imprints are here
In the jar of hope you placed
Inside my heart so dear
Forever I will love the us
That spread our wings beyond
Leaning, Learning, Loving,
Natures gentle song
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