John's poems of...LIFE - LIVING &LOVE...JDJ

1,765,680 poems read

Hope will SURVIVE
Its -good, -great, -and -grand--AGAIN--, to --be--ALIVE

Hope will SURVIVE
Continue to Have FAITH, and PRAY, and the storms of LIFE, will FADE, and again, with HAPPINESS, more, not any less, you will feel at your very, very, very, BEST, of your BEST, and --THRIVE

Because when, you --HOLD--onto --HOPE, --and --KEEP-- FAITH, --and always stay in --PRAYER, --before long,-- and very soon,-- YOU--WILL----be----WINNING

Hope ---does--- SURVIVE--and---PREVAIL
With- the -wind -at -your- back, -again-, you -will -easily-, effortlessly--, GLIDE---RIDE----and----HAPPILY---SOAR--and--GREATLY---SAIL

By john d jungers

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Hope will survive