John's poems of...LIFE - LIVING &LOVE...JDJ

1,774,074 poems read

When -you -give,- your -older -kids -LIFE, -LIVING1, and- LOVE--ADVICE
They, have a deaf esr, and they will do what they will, and hold onto any a bad--VICE

They know, much more than--I
So -to -tell -you -the -truth,-as- they -all -are -older,- i -finally--am learning- to -be -more-tolerante--accepting--and--simply----, quiet,-- and --to --MYSELF--just --stay --SHY

For, ME, for, YOU, for, US, and for, WE, and for all of my grown, children, THEM
No matter, what, no matter when, we --ALL--will--BE--HUMBLED--one--day--WHEN

In --our --life, --living,-- and --love, --what --exactly-- that-- we --put --OUT
Good,---BAD---OR-- UGLY--POSITIVE--or--NEFATIVE--- right ---back --to ---US, --its ---GONNA--- come ----BACK-, --ABOUT

By john d JUNGERS
16th of APRIL 2017

Comment On This Poem ---
When you give your older kids advice