John's poems of...LIFE - LIVING &LOVE...JDJ

1,777,772 poems read

Fifty -one-A-MINUTE
This morning sittin in the SAUNA--i--was--sweatin--in--IT

This mornin, i felt too legit to --QUIT
As, i set a GOAL, and this mornin, pushed myself to get IT

Years ago, as a young--Hard--charging--MARINE
When i went to go to the SAUNA, easuly an --HOUR--was--accomplished---and--SEEN

As --the --saying --goes, --i --may --not --still --be --so --LEAN--GREEN---and--MEAN

Once, a MARINE, always, and FOREVER---A----MARINE
Motivated, --dedicated, --determinated,-- devoted--, in, --every--, clime,-- and --place,--- SEMPER--FIDELAS,---FIRST--to--FIGHT--the--worlds,- greatest--and -elite,----THE--FEW--THE--PROUD--the--MARINES---the--WORLDS--greatest-- fighting--MACHINE

This mornin, for fifty one a MINUTE
In the SAUNA i was in IT

Improvise--, adapt, --and --OVERCOME

With ---LOYALTY----, and ---DISCIPLINE
Every-- goal--, in --every --mission, --and --quest,-- YOU--can--only--WIN

By john d jungers
21st of april 2017

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