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 Elsie`s Poetry



There`s a head teacher`s award in the school
And all the kids think that this is pretty cool,
Now what about a kids` award for the Head
This would make a welcome change instead.

I think Mr. Eaton would get it each week
Because of his genuine caring technique,
He wants the best for them and this they know
The harmony in the school goes with a flow.

If the children are happy then they do well
And any fears they have he will expel,
His pride in the children is evident indeed
He is right behind them to see they succeed.

He is firm but fair that is what I say
He likes to make the children smile each day,
He has boundaries which they know not to cross
He must maintain his status as being the boss.

This week the kids` award goes to guess who?
Why Mr Eaton of course but this you knew,
A shining example to the whole school
The kids just love him they think he`s cool.

copyright©2017 Elsie

Elsie`s Poetry ~*~ Poet5170

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