In a world where I've created multiple fantasies
Where so many were mentioned
But roles were just temporary
Except the one who I tried to see
If she was still my meant to be
All the while searching
Just never really knew
That one day I would finally find you
I've exhausted many words
Penned exquisite lines
Wishing some of the muses could be mine
Yet wishing has nothing on prayer
When I finally went this route
...You appeared
It only took many many years
I had to get the closure I feared
Even contemplated settling
Was right about there
On the cusp...then...
You appeared
FHTP used to be where not enough was said
So the rest was written
Times have changed
Now I'm just admitting I've found true love
On a path I've never imagined
I Love Love
Cause Love Is You ....
I fell in before
Only to fall out then in and out again
Thankfully He closed that door
So I could find and fall in with you
Knowing there was not an out anymore
No surprise there
Didn't stop rising fears
Didn't eliminate any and all pain
This beautiful journey still costs fares
Not sure what's next in store
Just keeping the faith
That's what this anchor of hope is for
I'd say more
But that would take away
What we have to look forward for
¥☼MOI☼¥ 31 Aug 17