I wear them on my sleeves
It was all they could see
So I changed shirts
Now they see love
While I still feel the same...
This battle is a struggle
I've gotta stay focused
I sure do need my fix
Closing my eyes
Best place to be other than her presence
Would be my subconscious
Life is saying to adapt or die
Guess it hasn't seen me on the inside
Told you I wasn't as strong as this disguise describes
Another day another dollar
Life is short
Heaven is forever
Can I make it shorter to get to my forever
Maybe I do have a little more to say
How do I make my mind go numb
It's been in overdrive for quite some time
Figured him to be a mathematician
With all the numbers he's crunching
Trying to produce the right formula
To lead me back to her or is it vice versa
Writing so I can escape into slumber
As short as it may be
I need to make it back to we...
(Smile) I sure did miss you both
Y'all look so great and
My smile, joy, and laughter returns
My heart is warm
You're back in my arms...
I could stay here for eternity
With this Empress who's so right for me
(Sigh) There goes that blare again...
Here Comes Life
How do I stop the back and forth
I have to be where
The excitement my soul experiences is
Where her beauty never fades
Where my heart can satisfy its crave
¥☼MOI☼¥ 2 Sep 17