"I want to dance with you right now"...
I'll never forget
That late night in December
When I really first saw ya
I knew before I knew
You were her
You stood there at a distance
Taking what you came for
Definitely clever
Was that the beginning of our forever
Was that when
You tattooed your name upon my soul
Providing the warmth I need in a world so cold
One day I'll master this guitar
So I can complete your song
Can't promise on the vocals
But if your beauty is any indication on how it goes
I'll try to match it with my words
Like how we did with our souls
My works cut out for me
Cause everyday it gets better
Dare I say your beauty can't be measured
It's just a fraction of why I love you
With every ounce of what's beneath my chest
I'd withstand any test just to show ya
How far we can go
Gotta hurry so I can drink of you later
First I need the world to comprehend
Just how much I love you ....
You've captured what's in my lungs
Yet here I stand
Just waiting till
I proclaim all I need to
As long as it's His Will
I'm so in love with you ....
I'm talking like Christ with the Church
So much so, they'll never be a final verse
I told you even past always and forever
Your love, your beauty, your worth
If you're not able to see right now
One day I'll show ya
At such ease when we're together
Maybe this romantic ain't hopeless after all
Your smile reflects your heart
It's why mine exists
The way your emeralds grips my coals
Never have I felt so whole
¥☼MOI☼¥ 20 Sep 17
"You make me feel this way somehow"
Maybe one day
You'll catch wind of these lines
Maybe one day you'll...