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I won't forget that day when the Dragons united
Off the coast of Ireland in that massive cave
It was a tender moment these lovers strong
And brave.
Embraced in deep slumber their memories 
Came forward, as their dreams reach peaks.
Peaceful life in slumber speaks.

They were Guardians of the land, in Ancient
Times, side by side they both stand..... 
Always giving a helpful hand. These protectors
Of the land.. on the four winds, they would guide...
Four children, they brought forth, named after the
Four seasons conceived in love's just reason...
One day War swept through their land, battle after
Battle took its course, the people stood against 
A baneful force.
Their children flew to the four corners of the Globe
Hidden in mountains and caves
The people tried to kill them all
The same people that this family of Dragons tried
To save.

Now the land full of mistaken knaves, proclaiming
Their actions brave, The Senior Dragon's misjudged
Bringing the land to a sorrowful sludge.
On the four corners in Distant lands in mountains, 
Caves, and desert sands, their children sleep safely
From human hands.

Missing their Mother's and Father's love, separated
This Family is far apart, now flows their tears from
Broken hearts, Ruby Red tears, that formed through
Out the years, stemming from ignorance, and unfounded
Fears.. of those who drove them away, keeping them
Hidden from the light of day.

The day of freedom is drawing near, these creatures 
Only want each other to love... For they know how mighty
Hate can be, part Two of a Fairy Tale, of a family
Good and kind, will they find one another? The children
Of the loving Father, and Mother......
(To be continued)


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A Dragon`s Tears(Two)