John's poems of...LIFE - LIVING &LOVE...JDJ

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When, your FEELING--uneasiness
from, a heated ARGUMENT, with another, who, shuned you, belittled you, disrespected you, treating you lower-----RUDELY----And---so--much----LESS

Feelin--uneasy, and unsettled
as, a discussion, turned and  metaled into argument, and became unkettled

Feeling --uneasiness, unsettled, upset, and TROUBLED
as, a single simple discussion became, an ambush and the trouble and uneasiness--more than DOUBLED

For I was set, up
with argument and disagreement, and DISRUPT

Respect I feel, very little to NONE
this little argument with resent they may have this first round won

But, the next time my guard will be sky high
and I won't feel stressed and sigh

Really this ambush after this
before conversating with this person, I'd rather go fish

It takes years to build up TRUST
but only a simple conversation, disguised as ambush and attack, and a stab in the back, and--TRUST, has been lost and my words far few and in between, will be carefully professionally put  and very guarded and slow with no trusting hurry or--RUSH

It hurts when this argument was with your very own son
who showed you consideration and RESPECT--of little--to--NONE

Arguments they come and GO
but whats disturbimg me about this is set up and ambush, complete and-unfairly--so

By John d jungers
26th of OCTOBER 2017

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When your feeling uneasiness