John's poems of...LIFE - LIVING &LOVE...JDJ

1,772,939 poems read

stay, FAITHFUL, HOPEFUL, and--BE--CONFIDENT--sure--and--Firmly--S--T-E-A-D-Y

To BE, wishy washy, and UnStEADy
dont, EVEN, consider the possibility as your ReALity

I was telling Boohbah, my Grand Daughter,don't JUST-THROW,your dirty used glass and dish in the--KITCHEN----Sink--and, learn to empty the --KITCHEN-- waste basket and trash
so SHE, was Listening,to -- ME --so --I --will see,if --MY,--words to --HER, --did--stick--AND--LAST

I told--HER--Boohbah be like --GRAMPs--ME
as I'm always washing dishes cleaning the KITCHEN, and arranging,and the dishes to wash, dry and put away, nice  and--TIDY--is--THE-EXAMPLE--SHE--DOES--SEE

I watched my Grand-MA, and  all of my Aunts, and AGGIE, my Mother
in everything , they were so nice, and Perfectly clean--especially, in--Their--KITCHEN--in--EVERY-HOME--MADE--WAY--for--Sure

In the KITCHEN, ---HEALTHY-HOME-MADE---, Masterpiece's, --were, by,their--Loving, HEATS, and Hands--CREATED----HOME-MADE----from--Scratch---OF--EVERY--K-I-N-D
hEALTHY--HOME--MADE--- Chicken Soup, with Garden, Fresh, Veggies--ON---a cold cold Minnesota below zero winter weather, --and---HOME-MADE-- biscuits ,and--Tasty, melt in your Mouth--Banana-Bread--,AND---every, Meal,  and snack, was so---PERFECTLY--- and ---LOVINGLY--- Prepared --with --great LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVE----and--detailed--precise--delightful---HEALTHY-HOME-MADE--C-A-R-E----you,---- would----so, happily-----F-I-N-D

In their HOME-MADE  KITCHENs no FAST-FOODS-would-you--F-IN-D
in their HOME MADE, KITCHENs, so Perfectly, immaculately and Perfectly, Beautifully ---CLEAN,---Organized --and --well arranged and Perfectly Stocked, --every,--thing---HOME--MADE----is, what, so happily,and Delightfully,, and ------HEALTHILY,----is what every-- minute --around the clock--that you would find--and--Nothing but the very--BEST-of-the-very-BEST--------HOME MADE------Happiness------and-----Tastly----UNFORGETTABLE--Beautiiful---LOVING---HOME-MADE----Sunshine

By John d JUNGERS.  03---JANUARY.  2018

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Stand up STRAIGHT, and BE--READY