John's poems of...LIFE - LIVING &LOVE...JDJ

1,774,508 poems read

Dealing with Co-Workers, and Office--POLITIC,s
stays in my mind, and I can never forget, how it made me so, Stressed, Distressed, and just--PLAIN-and-simply--SICK

We come to learn and know
that people, they are just exactly who they choose to be, nice or mean, unfair,or fair-in-everything that they do and say, in every which a way, high or low----good--bad--happy--sad--or--down-right---MEAN--and--UGLY--SO

When, your Working in a Toxic, and ----------VERY- MEAN---------unkind----Bullish----ENVIRONMENT
it causes you rust--with--HURTFUL-- resent and--DENT

Some people they will never ---C-H-A-N-G-E
as no matter what you do say, and speak, they choose,  to knock you down,and seek, to make you weak the  S-A-M-E

So as a---FAITHFUL---, and--- LOVING---,--Person--they--will--resort to ---Loving-LOVING-Loving-----P-R-A-Y-E-R
and, with understanding, mercy and grace with compassion, and ---COURAGE--- to ---FORGIVE----all--others--even--the, hardest and ---MEANEST---of people for them,---HEARTFUL---, Loving--LOVING--Loving---PRAYERS---for-- them--to--GOD--SHARE

So, anyone can turn ---away ---and run-run--run---run----and---RUN
it takes Great Intestinal Fortitude to have compassion,understanding and ---COURAGEOUSLY---be ---FORGIVING,---and ---FAITHFULLY----praying-praying--Praying---praying----and--PRAYING-------JESUS-----FORGIVE-----them----and----------SAVE-THEM----------for--they, know-----NOT-----what, they, have--So-hurtfully----and---MEANLY----DONE


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Dealing with Office Politics