Come Home

Come home

I sit here looking out of my window
I can’t seem to stop thinking about you
I smile as I reflex on how lucky I am to have found you but you’re still so far away
For some reason loneness returned today
In my dreams I can touch you, hold you and even kiss you
In the middle of the night when I reach for you there is nothing there but empty space
For that moment I’m sadden because that old familiar loneness and emptiness returns
I know its not even a week but it feels like an eternity to me
Today I am craving you, your touch, your caress, your soft whisper, your smile and your smell
At night I can feel you near but in the daytime you seem to disappear.
Come to me my love, I need to feel you next to me I have been waiting for so long
My sweet baby it’s time for you to come home

1,308 Poems Read
