John's poems of...LIFE - LIVING &LOVE...JDJ

1,761,503 poems read

When, and only when we  in our ownselves are really, really READY
we will, stand, tall, confident, Prayerful, and STEADY

Many, folks with good Heart intentions, they wish us well
and with encouragement, thoughtfulness, care concern, and consideration, to us they will tell

But a person,they can't dance, hum, sing or--WRITE
not until, they deeply in their own heart and mind,--feel--that warmth and glowing encouragement and --FREEING-- --LIGHT

Just think of the last minutes of JESUS, LIFE, on the CROSS
how his last breath of earthly air, he turned to the man, on  his ---LEFT---, and the man on his---RIGHT---, and he --PRAYED--LOVINGLY--and--FORGIVINGLY--- for them, before his life was------CRUCIFIED--on---the--CROSS---SACRIFICED--for--all--Mankind---and---LOST

In our life, living, and LOVE--LIFE
when, really, really really, will we really,really, really, ever be ready to shine our BEST-BEST-BEST  and most beautifully  Greatest, and BEST, as always every waking monent, life will, naturally bring us challenges turmoils pains hurts losses,turmoils,--STRESS--and--STRIFE

The BEST-BEST-BEST  times may never, never, never --happen--fall--in--P-E-R-F-E-C-T--Place--and--COME

As for us all, we never know on this Earth, when our last breath,of our last, moments here will be.-- over-OVER-over---and--DONE-DONE-DONE

So ---as ---with ---us ---all-------------------------------------------------
through --FAITH--, LOVE--- PRAYER-- and ---Great-GREAT-Great---HOPE
we put our --LOVINGLOVINGLOVING---GREAT-GREAT-Great---H-O-P-E--- in ------JESUS-----and----we-- pray -PRAY-pray---for the strength,to start each day and shine blossum and bloom and in his almighty --------LOVE-LOVE-LOVE-LOVE-LOVE-LOVE-LOVE-LOVE-------- and ---B-E-S-T-----for--today--skip, hum,,dance----and-- write --W-R-I-T-E---write---and --SING-SING-SING---and--the very -BEST- of our -BEST- that we can--Cope, even when we are way down at our deepest deepest darkest --and--very--LOWEST-LOWEST-LOWEST--of--our--L-O-W-E-S-T--Low---and--even------l--o--w--e--r---for--sure---and---dreary,--at--the--barrel---rock--muddly---bottom,---and--- hanging --onto --the --very -very -very--last,-last-,--l--a--s--t----fraying ----thread--- of --our ---life,-living--, and --LOVE---survival---Rope

For ---Y-O-U---for ---M-E---for ---U-S---and ---WE-------------------------------------------------------------------------
the  strength,grit, and Might, of simple --PRAYER--with --FAITH--, will set us complete and elite, greater than any force on --EARTH----happily, content, and Wonderfully--------M-I-R-A-C-U-L-O-U-S-L-Y----------Magnificentlly--Great-and-worry--stress--FREE

By John d JUNGERS 

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When We are Ready