John's poems of...LIFE - LIVING &LOVE...JDJ

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The , slow, and easy, TRICKLE, Down--EFFECT
we will get the Progress, that we Deserve and --EXPECT

Sometimes PROGRESS, Happens, so --Molasses--Movin--Very--Very--SLOWLY
as Loosing, a mere Pound is so, difficult for--many, --many,--many,--and--ME

The ---SLOW-SLOW-SLOW--and--easy--consistent-- TRICKLE,-- down---persistent---EFFECT
usually, --the--effort--that--with--what --we, --Give -out, --back --the--SAME-PROGRESS--we're,-- gonna ---be--Rewarded--and---GET

Either with Success or DEFEAT
We are going to achieve, our GOALS, with --GREAT--triumph--, and --Achievement--, OR, --with --sad --Dissapoint--and--Failure---and--Devastating--Terrible--DEFEAT----we--will--Come--to--MEET

The TRICKLE, down affect. oF. Dedication, Determination, and Devoution, to your Set, in stone--GOALS, on--HAND
will, only pour, into success with happiness, , when, steadfastly with Loyalty discipline and the Commitment to ---win,-WIN-win---you, follow your slow but sure , disciplined----DIET----PLAN


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The TRICKLE, down effect