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It was a day full of wind and hail.
The ship was bouncing, and sailors were pale.
Two days from the Chesapeake Bay,  The wailing
Storm throw fits all day!  So how will the ship
maintain the Deck the crew cannot say.

The Atlantic was Sassy and mean, it's angry waters
Wounds the ship's seams.  The storm's wailing force
Was moving the vessel and crew off course. 
No land in sight and the hours approached night!
Repairs were hard to make, the sea waters were
All around, with a furious monstrous pound.

Finally, the storm passes through but it's a cargo
Was overdue, Captain takes that fact in his stride.
From the looks of the ship, the damage can't hide!
All his shipmates were sound and alive and will dock
The Chesapeake Bay with some help from the tide.

Four days later they appear and drop anchor at bay.
The ship noticed the sister ships did not show, many
Missing and the ships sunk deep below!
The crew in reference to the men that were lost were
Grieving the ultimate cost! Yet, so thankful to be alive,
But remorseful their brothers were taken to a watery
Epitaph engraved, for friends that could not be saved!

The appetite of the Atlantic was ravenous and cruel
For the time being its hunger subsides, revealing it's
satisfaction in the passable tide.
For the sailors lost,  they take flight above the wings
Of the Albatross, their weary spirit sings.

©Allseasonsverse 2018

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Atlantic Storm