You are Beautiful to Me
You make my heart sing every time
I think of you. You make the breeze blow with power
and positive energy.
You are a man that never gave up no
matter the struggle.
You always inspired those who lacked
faith in themselves, and taught
them the meaning of living life
to the fullest.
You are still the power man with
the power to dominate and rule
what you knew best to do.
Where you are right now is filled
with brightness and dreams that
will be fulfilled.
You will save so many with the Robert
Dollar Foundation to make it safe for all the
cyclists that ride our roads in danger.
Your dream is going to be a reality
and it is because you made it happen
in a way it should never of happened, but if
you know it or not, my dear, you rule big
I am more than proud of you my darling
grandson Robert Allen Dollar, there is not
one thing on God's green earth a person
can not do if you believe enough it can be.
You are still power man and dominates to the
full extent, of anyone who believes that
miracles do happen.