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If their were a better time to think and act naturally, it
is certainly now, a time to be grateful and respond to
your deepest feelings of love, achievements, and
concerns of today's society and lasting thoughts of
destruction and defense.

Their is no time to hold on to feelings of remorse
they should never exist in a good soul as we acknowledge
it, take action, do what comes first for survival. it
is now you, who must react to feelings of no regrets
of what could have been when your head was on

Come on really now! climb that mountain
without haste, you have what it takes to
do what you think you can't do! when you
continue to complain about absolutely
nothing, but hear yourself speaking nonsense
regardless anyone is around or not.

Crazy you ask! When it could be a totally
absolutely yes answer I could reveal you are,
but what would that solve when your already
insane and don't know it but me, so climb
that mountain, that is really a ant hill, and
if you believe you can, it would be a lot easier
than you think, really now.

funny! He thinks it is a real mountain!

(Time for action not delays)

By Derena

© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)

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