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I have a head full of memories, heart full of love, a soul full of
repentance and a handful of friends.
We are lucky to have all we have, before saying good-bye to a world of green and brown for-get-me-not'.

Unpacking essentials for my long trip to some where that light will be my guide to comfort and abundance to survive equal opportunities, a
patient heart to know that life in another place, is a journey you may never continue, once you travel where you should be.

Have now love enough to make life comfortable, very little regrets
and a smile to comfort the world if I should travel it, so as much as I have to admit, there is not a thing I really need, but my Maker, Family, one true friend, and a peace of mind that shall be with me while my life on earth is perfect like the breeze that kisses my face with love.

Have way to much, wishing I could pass a little of my peace to another
who has nothing but confusion, no love to shake life of goodness and forgiveness, only a lasting misery that continues, those who have peace welcome each day with a smile, excepting what comes.

Satisfied in mind I donate my attention to people who need something more then food, clothing, and money, something not given very easy, but willing to take if given, a open heart filled with understanding, this is what everyone needs to make them wanted.

By Derena

© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)

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