Watching each star appear
there is not a sight so beautiful,
if you should stumble that day
that evening, all will be forgotten
with just one stare in the heavens.
If you walk your path among goldenrod
and buttercups, here you'll always want
to stay, nothing comforts the mind when
being among the wild to bring comfort.
If you climb the mountain just for a day
you'll never want to climb back down,
the beauty will conquer your soul, it
will turn your worse fears into treasures.
If you shared one thought with someone
I hope it would be thoughts that are positive
negativity will only bring you down
and darken your spirits.
When walking along the sea shore, if
you look back, your footprints would of
been washed away, but the ones you have
not yet made, depends on you.
If you knew you had one hour left in this
world, would you like to spend it with
someone who talked about himself all the
time! maybe in dreams, not in life's realm
this would only make one draw away
without a thought.