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She saved her tears she shed
pouring them in the raging sea.

The love she should of had in life
never came her way.

When darkness dulled her sight
of love, it turned the other way,
making her feel empty and alone.

Heartaches, regrets, flashed across
her path, without notice in her

Anxieties that laid deep, lifted
in the summer of her life, while
shadows of gray disappeared.

A new life begun for her, with
energy and abundance, after all
those tears she shed in vain.

She had wings of white, a smile so
bright, to match her golden hair
she flew so high she could not see
her little home, in the blue green
bushes, of her little world.

She was always distant in her days on
earth, she loved her nature, her music,
and life, she just never met her
man, that could of showed her how it
felt to be in love.

Life to her was a treasure, though she was
alone, she had cried many a tear too fill
an ocean, now her eyes are dry, she has
no longing or need to cry, she has found
her inner-peace now, before she took her
very last breath.

She flies high, way above clouds fluffy white
her days filled with joy, she has found her own
happiness away from mother earth, the
land she loved with all her heart..

(Life of love and peace can be found)

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)

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