John's poems of...LIFE - LIVING &LOVE...JDJ

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i can never get tired of a BREATHING, and Talking and ----------LOVING-LOVING-LOVING---------- NATURE,---------- as I see, our ---LOVING--, GOD, ----every ---BREATH-by--BREATH--by--BREATH---of --every --BREATH--of---day --and --Night --------More and MORE

The tree Buds here in the Nevsda Winter Desert, already are --coming-close---to--- BUDDING
In the,  earlies  earlies--Desert--SPRING

Two, little red Beaked Small, sparrow birds were ------------kissing --K-I-S-S-I-N-G---kissing-----------beak to beak--- in --a----little---TREE
so, that's what impressed this-------- NATURE-FOUR---------little,-- POEM,-- here to become to be, as the --Wonderous-Beautiful, Blessings--of--Loving--GODLY--NATURE--so,--IMPACTINGLY---,life living, and ---LOVE----greatly-----MESMERIZES----ME

The trees are just, holding back from, full--BLOOM
cause, if they, come out a Bloomin to soon, another Cold spell, will cause frost and freeze, and Bud--DOOM

So , all, in the Lands silently and bracingly patiently sits sleeps, and the enduring cold snow sleet and ice a little longer --patiently-patiently-patiently--but--Restlessly--and--can't--Waitfully--WITHSTANDS
but soon the end of March, and--rainy, rainy, rainy-- April showers will thaw and water and moisten and nuture all and every,little and great  life, living, and -LOVELY- thing----and--in a flourishing beautiful, bountiful, -MAGNIFICO--MARVELOUS--.MIRACULOUS--Minute all will be so, beautifully blooming so good great and breathtakingly--SPRING--Loving-Loving-Loving--New--and--Wonderfully---good--great----and--a--Mighty---GODSENDINGLY--and-BLESSEDLY-----GRAND

18 th of MARCH 2018

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