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Deity of Love 3 (A Child No Longer Blind)

The Queen searched the Kingdom for those
Who needed to be healed.
She hopes that with health tears
would cease to be spilled, their joy would be

On the southwest corner of the Kingdom,
Lived a family of the seamstress.
They had a child who was born blind.
This family worked hard to put food 
On the table, they were strong and 

Only one desire this family express, that
Malinda could see, it would in many ways
Set her free.
The Queen and Knights find Malinda's cottage
On the edge of the sea, the Queen wanted to
Help set the child free.

The hour grew dark, the Queen and her Knights
Was invited to stay for the night!
So warmly they slept till the dawns first light.

The horses were watered and fed, Malinda 
Sweeps the floors, and makes all the beds.
Then prepares for her journey ahead. 

After many hours they all arrive. To the place
In the forest were the Black Healing Lily survives!
The Queen takes Malinda by her hands, together
They walk to the healing flower so grand.

"You must carefully come to your knees. Then your
Hands will be placed on this flower, on both sides.
Let me guide your hands."  
So it was the healing worked through her fast,
a streak of light brought sight.

"The One True God lives in this place, I caught
a view of His loving face!"  Malinda's misty eyes
tears of joy begin to trace!

There is more a final chapter I must say, how Malinda 
Thanked the Queen and Knights for that day!
(More to follow) 

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Deity of Love 3 (A Child No Longer Blind)