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Smokey McGee

I have a weakness for sheltering stray cats!
I love them dearly, had an old tomcat when 
I was a child he was huge but gentle and mild!

His name was Smokey McGee biggest cat
I ever did see. He was tough but gentle enough
He was fast like grease lightning, to the mice 
He was frightening.

I'd watch him from the window in the twilight, he roamed 
The hills like the king of the jungle stalking his prey,
Up from twilight to dawn, then sleep all day on the lawn.

I'd rise each morning with the sun, Smokey would greet
Me with a yawn, after his night of work and fun. Like a 
Makeshift we'd pass each other at first sign of the sun.
Yes! Those were the days, his time to sleep my time to 

As high school and sports made demands the backyard
Was left in his command, but years slowed him down, 
So he moved into the house eventually became content
With his toy rubber mouse.

Many years Smokey lived 
With and for my family, he fell asleep one night and 
Didn't wake, peacefully he passed away,  I cried that
Entier day. My friend to the end!

I believe my friendship with Smokey is a love that will
Always stay,  because a kitten came to my door 
That same day, looked a lot like him in a way, little
Charlie, I believe was his son he knew this was home
and no longer strayed! 

I believe the Good Lord heard my prayers to this day
Near the void came a comforting friend, a part of Smokey
did stay, many generations of Smokey McGee still comes
Our way!

( A spark in my heart for my first pet still remains today.)

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Smokey McGee (Reprise)