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Son of yours, dear brother, he
died at only nineteen doing
under cover work, it would
of broken your heart if you
were alive, to see the way he
died, sweet beautiful Tommy.

He was the apple of my eye,
you would of been so proud
of him, a young man so gifted,
you see him now I am sure, he
was baptized one year before his
tragic death.

He was young, handsome man,
ready to marry and make a life
for himself with his wife to be,
it was so good to have God in
his heart, he lived life to the fullest
living that way till the end.

His life was like a fairy tale, a
knight in shining armor, ready
to defend his county at fourteen,
he was discharged, told to
come back at sixteen, with
parents permission, he never
went back, he fought a different
kind of war, losing his life
doing so.

Yes dear brother, your beloved
son was truly a hero, in all the
good he done for his country,
he had the king fighting next
to him, 'Oh God! forgive them
for they do not know what they
do', were the Kings last words
on the cross, before he died
for all man kind.

Tommy gave his life, for the
well-being of humanity, also,
done uncover work, for the
United States Of America,
Home of the free and the

(Dedicated to Tommy Hart
who died for his country,
my twin brother's, adopted

(I miss both of them dearly)

By Derena

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