Gazing upon a soft turquoise sunset
Symmetry at it's purest
Flat surface of blue
Ending in a golden cave
Of brilliant orange
Beautiful, peaceful
Until the tsunami came
High up in the mountains
Soft snow covers the ferns
Scented aroma of pine
Carried in a fresh rasping breeze
Sapphire skies and the rays of white
Make everything look so new
Until the avalanche came
The clouds hang lower here
Over the grasslands of the Midwest
Yellow brush strokes across the prairies
Flat and endless, timeless and poignant
The wind picks up humid and dry
The peace before the storm
Then tornado came
The beeping horns of cars
The muffled noise of a million conversations
The abundance of life within such efficacy
off the Pacific coast of Tohoku
Can the distant sights of auburn mountains
And boats of today's catch be so apocalyptic
When the earthquake came
The painful side of nature
Cruel yet so beautiful
Before life itself so old and ancient
Unbeatable unrewarding yet beautiful
Always so beautiful
Like a small cluster of stinging nettles
Causing us pain with a mere touch