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In the distance I see a light, so bright it blinds me
I feel I want to be their with that bright light that
soothes my soul. I cannot put together my feelings
my thoughts, they cannot unite together like
they use to do once upon a time.
Strange how each day runs through the field of
free verse without a spoken word, each part of mother
nature has something of importance to say with glory and
freshness, sweet luring songs never heard from a living
being, only listen, to the whispering of the wind freely
blowing past a pasture of flowering daisies, opening
buttercups of yellow, weeds growing perfectly satisfied
with little bees buzzing around each flower with delight.
Deer running through the tall sweet grass, with rabbits,
and wild mice tending to their babies wanting to eat.
Breathing the fresh cool breeze carrying troubles far away
from earths tempting desires of nothingness, is a flight
of sweet emotional surrender to a world lost in wonder
and visions of fairies, fireflies, and unicorns coming
alive with each pleasant thought of a paradise undisturbed
by selfish, greedy, and unhappiness fill with restless
souls roaming each day mindless, speechless, motionless seems like life on earth was to be here by design and
untouched earth, sparkling with it's own wonderment
where all beauty could survive with all animals and no humanity to spoil the music that constantly played it's
gratitude for days and nights dancing under the tall mountain pines in moonlight of summertime.
Perfection dressed under clouds of white floating
softly like cotton balls, mother earth of beauty capturing
the best of a peaceful loving heart of creatures of love, and harmony to live someday, a new earth, a way in thinking,
a life with light and freedom to love deeply from within the
unselfish part of our enlightened souls. Mother and New Earth collects each thoughts of a perfect world now, that hate and evil no longer exist, the blind folds no longer
worn in disguise of being happy, now the truth is completely undressed in spender, blessed laughter, echo's across the
mountains, trimmed in green evergreens, mingling in shades of purple and hues, of pink, bringing in the darkness of nights sweetness, laced in fragrance and sounds of ever lasting thoughts, swimming together like twins entwined
for the first time since the first world was created, by Our
Blessed Heavenly Father, who died for man's sins once upon a time in the long distance of a story told, and creatures that lived unhappy without emotions, and freedom to make a smile appear without any effort what so ever. They
had no idea the meaning of love, the song they carried in their hearts, that was locked so tight inside, that the truth needing to escape but was never released. The old world could have been beautiful, if man kind only knew how to
have opened their minds, heart, and souls and fine themselves lingering in a self satisfying dimensional world
made for them to live like a dream in happiness, sharing love with all mankind. It would have been so easy to have
even opened part of their hearts. That time is gone, a new time is here to be teachers, and teach the children the meaning of loving, giving, forgiving, being compassionate,
and understanding the true meaning of accepting self,
touching mother earth softly, giving her respect, and speaking to her in grace..

By Derena

© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)



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