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Far away in the cove of no return
Is the presence of our reflection
We created with unity, and understanding
never escaping from our true foundations
of marriage and contentment.

A million smiles, dreams, dancing side
by side, as the waves crash against
rocks overflowing our power with natures
strength of enlightenment.

Our footprints are engraved deeply with
promises we completed with a holy prayer
where no one heard our hearts desires of
eternal love and life of God's love for us.

I once told the world our Love could never
bend around any storm, but that storm became far
worse, taking you away from the world we both
shared, till death do us part; now I walk among the
path of promise and light, of love that will only live
and shine higher than any star in the heavens
above, with love and happiness we ever loved.

Now I know, I have the power to hear those waves
within my own thoughts, remember those prayers we
both prayed to God that special night of peace, love,

I will never stop loving you, and remembering our
very special cove, on the day we were married in
the cathedral of St Joseph, where both our hearts
still beat in sweet embrace.

By Derena

© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)

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