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I must remain free, to smell heavens
freshness, to reach above my own
awareness, I must stay free to move
among the wild flowers, to travel
silently through the misty darkness,
I must be me, I must be free..

I must hear the streams flowing,
softly like music to the ear, I must
be me, I must be free, I must follow
my light, my life has just begun, I
must stay free, I must calm the
sea that shivers in sadness, I must
be me, I must be free..

I must climb the highest mountains,
that's where my life force begins,
it echos across the heavens, my
soul, like birds flying through the
naked skies, so free, like my beliefs,
so wild, I must be me, I must remain
the person I've always been, free..

(Roaming life like the wolf, devoted
to his own kind.)

By Derena

© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)

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