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Civilization is going backward,
destroying the inner core
or humanity.

Love seems to be fading in
another dimension, four
letters of love are nothing
but a shallow emotion.

Actions speak, hearts feel,
love is never demanding,
thoughtless, negative, hurting,
only giving, sharing, understanding,
self is not important, just the ones
you love.

If one loves they share, they
heal the wounded, help the
sick, through pain that heart break
causing friction.

One can love deeply, yet
sickness will draw lines
never meant to be, strength
has poured into oceans
of never ending tears.

Sacrifice takes a lot of courage,
to much of it can turn another
cheek in spite, when love lives
life can die slowly too.

Core of humans make up nations
of destruction, trying has gone
flying some where in another time
needing is not what makes this world
go round, love does, but need
has taken the upper seat in these
uncertain times.

It seems now, 'it is what I want,'
'what I can get,' what will make
me happier, 'everything is what
will make number one happy!!

What has happened to humans?
no more compassion, just what
he wants, gets, and achieves,
that is what makes this world
go around these days.

If you cannot get what you want
go after, accomplish, then life is
a downer. What's gone wrong! being
happy, you are able to love pure,
spiritually, and be happy what you
have!! Why keep taking, draining,
feeling sorry for yourself, their
is no need to fear yourself you are
the master of your own soul, spirit
of the universe.

(Confusion will only cause friction)

By Derena

© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)

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