Majestically Intelligent
The red monuments stand majestically under neath skies
of blue wonderment, and the Lord in heaven speaks
in a soft flowing voice.” I have given you all this beauty
to collect and store in your soul”! “Someday you will
realize this beauty did not just appear from no where,
it was created for all man kind, to open their hearts and
find the true beauty of life”.
How peculiar I felt, has I held one red little rock
in my hand, listening to it's heart beat, long enough to
gather information, that all beauty you notice, will be
the only energy source that will leave with you when
you once again fly through the universal dimensional
plane, with all beauty, you actually captured in the waves
of your soul's core while living on earth.
So what you see of pure beauty was captured from another
soul core, waiting to be created for another, to capture, and
collect, and recreate, over and over again.
Instantly! I knew how creation actually begun, through all
beauty God created for us, and those who collected this
beauty, stored it in their own soul core, passing on over
over again from those who loved enough to store and
pass on the true beauty of love to those who really cared
enough to notice even the simplest of beauty to be passed
on through eternity..
How the mystery of life unfolded before my eyes, as I laid
down the little red rock, I brought home from the red
monumental statues of miracles. In Arizona, we
must make time to capture all beauty in our soul core
to be passed on for eternity, or all beauty will die and
never be passed on again.
By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)