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Whispering Sands


Down the cobble road we walk, bear foot
to many pebbles to cut tired feet through
blood strain memories, always their watching
with composure, still resuming attention until
peace and laughter appears among sentimental

Blowing across white sands bashfully, calmness appears
with emotions , thunder speaking beyond stormy
clouds, down the cobble road weary with rain flowing
across the dark soaked threshold of attention.

Warmth with sorrows, gather no moss, only falls deeper
in a moody way, in a soothing way, it gathers strength
along timeless ways, never ending, a winding road
with slippery paths, making you slip, never to fall not
at first, before light hides the bleakness away.

Days bring wonder blowing through, white bleached sands
enchantment, growing like fire, when evening cools the heart
lingering slowly, appearing softly, loving only in darkness
one can feel, a heart beating with compassion of no return.

Tomorrow they'll be a silence, with change of wind
Deliciously walking between the worlds of time, touching
earth, touching sky, awaking dreams laying still, where
peace begins the
journey among destruction, mingled with confused
minds, in the whispering of centuries that pass through
knowledgeable enchantment.

By Derena

© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)

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