Fair Exchange
People crave food to live
not only to eat, to make life
bearable when hurting always
makes the tree grow taller..
Fair exchange never suits
another's hunger, it makes
a mark to hard to erase
when feelings are above
Simple addition can leave
it's number, it only shows
the answer is never always
Fly, each wing is spread,
flight is ready, no direction
only logic brings a fair
answer where freedom
joins the circle of tomorrow...
Reflection showers down
regrets, shadows appear
when light shines through
each crack, not known
reason all seemed so wrong
without explanation.
Blind can not see, just feelings
pour through unseen dangers
leaving only frustration, where
each grasp was tightly held....
What seems to be is never
what is should be, it is called
surrender in each heart of
a mindful hand dealt well...
By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
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Fair Exchange
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