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Dying Planet


Changing times, clock ticks
silently almost to quietly,
with a hush, a whisper softly
kissing each second good-bye..

Missing time, what has happened?
I feel no warmth on my back,
darkness covers planet earth
without explanation..

Stars that once sparkled above,
have long disappeared, birds
have flown away in the darkness
that should be day...

Oceans smell of death, nothing
lives, all have died, no freshness
of the salty breeze that use to
bring a man to pray..

Forests of green have turn to
brown, nothing stirs, nothing
lives, changing times have
shifted mother earth...

Men have stopped fighting,
among each other, they search,
food they kill for now, not weapons
of mass destruction...

Stillness, not a breeze to blow
away the radiation that's killing
the human race, one by one
they drop, just like flies in a jar..

The Lord has put out his arms
to collect his children by the
millions, man has destroyed
the ground he walks upon...

No more beauty, it has gone,
all that's left are dying people
and broken dreams, and deep

Tears fall like rain, only in vain,
for the world we knew will soon
be dead. Oceans are rotten,
poison to the brain...

It's not to late to save our
world, first we must unite
together, feed the hungry,
and Love a hell of allot
more then we do now..

By Derena

© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)

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