When All Was Said And Done
When all was said and done
you slipped away in silence
without a spoken word~~
You used me well, and caused
a tear, the day you left long
ago, to find another fool
such like me~~
When all was said and done
their were no more words
of love, no more laughter
no more songs, just tears
that filled my lonely heart~~
How can a love so beautiful
just fade away without a
trace, leaving only shadows
to fill the heart~~
Like a man you've always
been, leaped away in a
second, proving to me all
along you never was a man
just a body with a cold
cold heart~~
When all was said and done
all the pages of gold tarnished
and sweet memories were
only a dream, not reality~~
Leave your hands upon my
heart, this is the way I
shall remember you, not
a man with shallow words
a man I gave my heart
to so many years ago~~
So when all was said
and done the book was
finished and thrown
away for another fool
to read~~
"Taken from "Heart's Expression Collection"
By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
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When all was Said and Done
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