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Our Freedom Lives Within the Mind


Flowers, how they bloom today
thankful for all we have received
how we sing out, freedom rings
in the hearts of man..

All men are free, if they know it or
not, what we think comes from deep
within, no one but us, we are aware
of our own thoughts, we couldn't be more
free, if we think about it..

So, if we think were not free, yes indeed
we are, only we know our deepest
thoughts, no one can erase them only
us, we are the ones who have the
right, no one on God's green earth
can ever take away what we ourselves

So when rules and laws are set among
nations, there are no rules, laws, what we
all think, we our the keeper of our own
true thoughts, souls, and minds..

Observe what surrounds, keep your
thoughts protected, no one can read
what you have not spoken, or what
you believe to be true, if you have
not allowed those thoughts to be

All freedom comes from within, we can
sing as loud as we want, only we
know what we thank God for, in our
own little private paradise, within the
boundaries of our own thoughts..

We can fly among the clouds, sing our
own songs, think what we want, when we
want, no one can ever take that freedom
away from us, but God himself..

By Derena

© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)

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