Life Unfolding
Life unfolding, seeking
peace, I hold the key to
my own happiness..
No answers, only wishes
rainbows always brighten
a dreamers heart..
Oh life, what would it be
without a heart filled with
love, carried deeper into
the wilderness of natures
sweet embrace.
Dark clouds never last
their is always hope, if
you believe, enough to
believe way down deep.
An apple spoiled, does not mean
all of them are spoiled, many are
more tasteful at the top..
The light may be within, but what
we see, does not mean everyone
can see.
Everything is different in all ways
it depends on the state of your own
mind, the way you want life to be
presented to you.
(Reach, feel, each dimension is different..Life unfolds in thoughts)
By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Life Unfolding
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