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Loves false Impression

Silence creeping through hearts
stirring, walking, where and why
in the garden of no where...

Prison walls holds a criminal in
why not an innocent man, a
man who loves his prison walls..

When denseness falls upon
natures fate, where have all
the flowers gone, in the autumn
of tomorrow?

What makes the storm stop
taking delightful strolls pretending
when cages were never meant
to hold in a bird of freedom?

Why must a man give up when
all goes wrong, putting himself
back in a cage he said he would
never return too?

Love is like that, you can confess
over and over again, you do not
love, only the one doing it, is
the one who says he never
loved that someone from the

Now in time, the one who says he
never loved, finds out he loves
anyone knows, being with someone
for many years, there has to be
love their, no one stays with some
one they don't love, unless it is just

Innocent or guilty, the one who puts
himself in a cage will be guilty for
living a lie, small minded hearts
can not give of themselves, they
only dry up like a prune in the end.

Creeping through tunnels of
destruction, brings self defeat
determined to return to hells door
burning in fire, loving it all ways
misery loves another one as
miserable, where is love, I wonder!
That is the main question in this
poem of many thoughts

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)

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