Quietly walking on the shore, thoughts enter
of days, picking shells and drift wood, oh
those days, when the breeze softly kissed
my cheek, watching waves of time slip by
so quickly..
Many roads I have walked upon, many
dreams have slipped through clouds of
strife, yet those days of youth can never
be replace, days of learning, days when
I thought I was all alone in my little world
observing the wonderment of life..
Now, I sit on a rock, gazing across a
field of green, again a breeze softly
kissing my cheek, leaving memories
locked within a heart that has lived
two life times, glory be..
Thoughts thunder across the mind,
capturing days of youth, days before
I became a mother of six beautiful
children, days of being a mother
never entered my mind, only gentle
thoughts of my own dear mother, sad
distant from a past I know she left
behind with many tears shed..
Walking across a field of buttercups
laying down among wild flowers, like
I did, in the summer of my life, each
thought revealing a past life, once
allowing that soft breeze blowing across
my cheek, a reminder of what was many
years ago..
( Nothing so warming, then the breezey memories of youth)