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Rose Colored Glasses

Sites disappearing nothing bright anymore
just a window with no view, just a day so blue
You watched the show when it was new
now you want to buy another movie to watch
this time the name will be once upon a time
short for a movie of life yet it's so strong
just a movie that makes one cry in vain..

Why must pictures look so rosy bright
glasses have never been this light
yet when you look through life through glasses
only the truth flows from each picture
catch your glow it comes from deep
not outside does it shine like flames...

When you swing upon a swing it feels good
so does it feel wonderful to touch that first ray
each glow never stops to change it shines so bright
when your steps have ended and no more are taken
you will see glasses so rosy were never rosy
not till then will you know your heart...

Love swinging high, my heart sings along with my little
bird I have on my shoulder bright...Life could not be any
happier and the deck is packed in the correct manner.

I love rose colored glasses they show us so much when
we wear them wisely..

(A peaceful heart is a happy heart)


By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)

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