Offerings from a distance
scanning each thought
radiated toward each desire.
No flames shoot higher then
a heart that as been wounded
in the name of love.
Blameless, shy, offerings are
offered to the Gods, they hear
the timid calls of the lonely
Dreams come alive, colors
become vivid in this time
offerings are offered for
defenseless ones.
Eternal flames are renewed
leaving the mortal world
entering the immortal reign.
Brightness lights the skies
of darkness, a new light
now shines down on the
mortal world of fools.
Offerings to the God's
are answered forever
leaving no stone untouched
the flight of freedom
starts, unfolding slowly
bringing magnificent
treasures gleaming.
Curse the warrior, he
has no weapon to defend
himself from the God
of strength, a power
much greater then his.
He bows his head down
in defeat, blood stain
sword thrown to the mighty
wind of Grosz, war is
over among man..