May those playing games with feelings
of others, find it in their own hearts that they
are doing themselves more harm, than the
the people that are being displayed for
Hard to believe there are many, that love to
lead a person on, for the fun of it, make
them fall in love with them, and drop them.
That is a terrible sick person, who seeks that
kind of attention. They need to get help or
pray to their Heavenly father for help
even having thoughts of forcing someone
to fall in love with them, so they can get
a laugh when the other person is falling
apart, broken, for no reason, but giving
that evil person enjoyment.
Some people cannot love themselves and will
go way out of there way, to make anyone
more miserable than themselves, so sad
the line has divided the heart, from reaching
the light that should be released, from the
soul to all mankind.
No answers why so many lack understanding
and knowledge about life, and the way it should
be lived.
What really is harmful, is the wrong that has
been done to the one who trusted the other
enough to fall in love with them. I know people
who need to be loved so badly, they can cause much
harm to another, because they are the one's needing
love, writing their make believe story with another
persons heart, soul, and mind. In deep harm
and even murder.
So many people lonely and need love of every kind
making them so venerable, to people who seek
energy, from another, so much, that they will drain
every ounce from someone trusting and loving to
fill there own emptiness, from another's goodness.
Like the saying “Misery Loves Company” is so
completely true. Be a trusting soul, but be a careful
one..Love is not free unless it is given free.
To many obstacle's in the way, to see the roots
of the tree growing deeper toward the soul.
Be careful who you love from the heart, they
may be harming you from the core of your own
beautiful soul.