Fairy Tales
Gold, cherished with heart,
given away so long ago,
when destiny called from the
wilderness, like a fairy tale,
perfect, glittering in the afternoon
Fairy tales all never shine
like gold, they turn dull
like metal foundations, building
upon it strong with promises..
Awaken, dreams are wishes,
wishes become a promise
with expectations demanding
something, like each glow
of moonlight fading in the
mist of time...
Stars shine brilliantly
above, like a candle in the
wind, soon disappearing in
morning light, sweet love
touching down, turning bad
each loving thought...
Love was never meant to be,
it was stolen away in the storm,
that left with the mighty wind,
sparkles never burn out, embers
lying hidden away, lost, but
remembered, such a love was
never meant to be..
Returned now the child, he
was lost, hoping he has
found his direction to walk,
to hold, to cherish, no regrets,
just a journey dismissed, a new
one goes on, wiser in love
maybe, when he learns to love
his own person.
By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)