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CS Lewis famously wrote "no one ever told me that grief felt so like fear."

Grief is painful and changes your inner emotions-
On the outside you look and act normal.
On the inside you are hurt, lost, and in fear.
After the loss of your spouse,
Your world suddenly turns outside down.
You feel devastated.
You are spinning and spinning in circles.
You are in a dangerous storm.
You feel desperately torn to pieces.
You cry out, wondering what the future holds.
You feel alone and unstable.
You question your purpose.
You become very frightened losing your self-esteem.
You become aware of all sounds in your home.
You reach out for your spouse but there is an emptiness.
There will no longer be new memories.
Where is your spouse?
You wonder and think how can this be?
Grief has robbed you and holds on tight to your emotions.
You try to keep your faith.
You know that you must go on.
Listen to some music to help calm and ease your emotions.
Grief is never brief.

İOctober 10, 2018 Janet Griffin

Author's note: In dedication to my dear husband. November 28, 2018 will be four years since his sudden passing.

Grief and joy and love -- it's all part of the same spectrum. I'm grieving because I loved someone so much.

- Maryanne O'Hara -

Grief and resilience live together.

Michelle Obama

Grief is the language that love speaks after loss

- John Mark Green -

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