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World of sensitivity becomes deep with
concern, no answers for reasons of feeling
confused, our balance misplaced, our
minds, souls, have no light to shine
promise from within..
Something has disappeared without our
knowing, feeling of awareness darken
with despair, a missing link disables
truth to pour from souls of light, and
harmony to spread integrity throughout
the world with love.
Misunderstanding pushes us in a blue-green
spire, rotating without our knowledge, a
silence of sound, balancing our vibrations
high enough, to collect substance in our mind's
eye, that may of been a quick beam of light
in our past imagination.
Purple pink hues mix together, pass in a
pleasurable sensation of delight, locked
together, like in a picture, framed behind
Sensitivity flows through , submerged deeply
in a new dimensional atmosphere filled with
misty explanations, of our birth into the
Universe, our light that was meant to create
a world of love, peace, harmony restoring
balance in- between all dimensional illusions.

We create our own little worlds, within our own
little self, hoping we can find love like our
Universe, bright with purified magical
mysterious wonders, deep with love, bringing
forth understanding and wisdom.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)

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