Seem to be a bad situation
happening when you are at
your worse..
What happens when the hand
is held out to help, refused in
lack of trust!
Conquering defeat, they
say makes you a better
stronger person.
No one knows what lurks
deep inside a broken
loyal person, when all hope
seems to be disappearing.
They say when you ask
your angels for help
they will, only then do
they help, beside guiding
you faithfully.
When you have tried
your best, your very best,
still all goes wrong, we
must not give up, yet words
are easily spoken, when
it does not happen to the one
who speaks.
You must walk a mile in
another's shoes, to feel
anguish of the one who
suffers internally..
One does not know who
has pain, one who laughs
on the outside, crying
on the inside, who really
cares enough to notice!
If there was a man walking
down a cobblestone path
of harm, how many who knew
the danger he was in for
would warn him of such
danger, I wonder!
They say smile! who wants
to smile, when each time
you turn, your hitting a brick
wall, smile anyway, the
Lord is with you always,
but even that, at times does
not comfort the man who
feels lost and alone..
Words of life can be
written in many ways, but
the one who has nothing
not even self-respect, cannot
understand these words
written on paper, his life
has never been good, now
his hope in life seems so
helpless, a man lost
in the mountains of no
Take a pill, it will help you!
easy enough to say, harder
for the one who is ill, waiting
for a miracle, that only side
effects seems to make
We get stronger with all
our crosses we bear, that
is if were able to be strong
enough for the next..
Yes! power of money, is not
power at all, it weakens you
more and more when you
have no way to make it..
Starvation alley is the way
to go, looking for a soul
thoughtful enough to help
one who is down on his
or her luck..
So smile through life,
the world will smile with you
cry, you walk alone, with God
your heavenly father..
Do a bad thing, your Karma
triples in horror, welcome
to hell, it's how you wanted
it, now your carrying a cross
you never had too..
Next time you see someone
who looks lost! think, how you
would feel without a person
to help you, in your time of
Sweet Compassion, sweet
love, where are you, when
we need you so..
All shall work out when you start
loving yourself, and understanding
everything is just an illusion.