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 Heart like Midnight, her horse, black
 wild, and free, belonging only to the
 wilderness of God, roaming the county

 Eyes, sharp like a cat, Star-Fire, Princess
 of the Chippewa Indian Tribe, in Upper
 Michigan. A princess with pride and

 Master of her Universe, she drinks from
 the running waters of life, walks
 the black hills of the Dakota's, where
 the wind blows intensely..

 Her hawk clings to her, as she goes
 on her way from hill to stream, a new
 welcome to a new mountain, ready
 to be climbed..

 Star-Fire walks softly like the whisper
 in the Moring mist, touches the glory
 of each new day with a smile, lies
 beneath the willow to watch it weep
 once more..

 Dark shadows dance in the glow
 of the moon, while clouds hide
 away it's beauty, masking off all
 traces of a lighting fire..

 Star-fire, touches each and everyone
 leaving a lasting impression behind
 like footsteps in the sand of time..

 She holds the key to the heart of her
 tribe, the elders have told her of
 great power given to her from the
 Gods, to never mistreat it, or evil
 shall enter into the peoples heart..

 By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)

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