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Billys Christmas Gifts 

Little Billy was making gifts for his family for Christmas Day.
For his Brothers and Sisters, he made sleds for winter's play.
For his Father, he made a warm stocking cap for his head.
He made a patchwork quilt, to keep his Father and Mother warm in their bed.

He was pleased with all he made, it was a prideful sight.
A nice blue scarf was knitted with care, that would not mess up his sweet Mother's hair.
Five days before Christmas; snow glistened in the glen,  "Peace on earth and goodwill to men. "
He humed Harked the Harold Angels sing; in the silent night, church bells ring.

Christmas Day was bright, the church on the hill was filled with a Soft holy light.
Baby Jesus arrives with love, his star beams upon him from above.
Each Christmas the gift is remembered, in the small church, each December.
Every year families gathered to praise Jesus wonderful name.

The song of a small town filled the air with praise that gave hope on these holy days.
Later as Billy set the families table, he was thankful that he was able.
Later Billy enjoyed passing out the gifts he made, but he knows the greatest gift
Is our Lord Jesus for all who ask for Him, will be saved.

(Merry Christmas to All, the light and warmth of salvation softly calls.)

©Allseasonsverse 2018/ 03/12
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Billy`s Christmas Gifts