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Listening in Logic


Listening to silence in it's purest form, cannot

stop the glory that surrounds heart with grace

and love.

Haven't yet found a reason, to turn away a

heart felt person, expressing themselves in

true incredible loving respect.

Sitting peacefully in silence we should always

bow our heads down in grace, remembering how

we were able to conquer so many difficulties with

help from our Spiritual guides.

Feeling the warmth that appears inside us, when we

see a little child running and laughing, the way

all innocence have no flaws, just brilliance flowing

from the depth of man.

Can you imagine at one time, when all was new and

perfection was all around, no thoughts were against

corners of hidden walls, no binders to keep away beasts

of wicked dealings.

Breathing in glory of God's sweet freshness bringing

peace, love, light, flowing from within, cannot born a

thought so magnificent, has mother Universe in her

birth before anything was created.

Nothing made from something, will always create

everything, mystery of life surrounds, never

let the wonder leave, never let the dreams stop

always imagine flowers around you, and soft music

playing in your special space.

Create your sweet love story, keep writing it every

day of your life, never will it, be put down for those

who read, it is your wisdom you are writing in

words, your story, so special you could not of

penned it differently.

Be your own survivor, you make all happen, no one

will live your life but you, smile! Live for the now,

life will treat you good, if you treat life good.

When you really go deep down! think about life, and

all that goes with living..It is logic! that makes it

work, not foolish desires that soon disappear in a

make believe world.

Go ahead play your songs, make your wish, admire

the Universe, all was created for all of us, and we don't

even know why! We do know, that what comes our way

is meant to come our way, our remarkable awareness

finding answers, to strange outcomes.

Be good to you! Love yourself, hug mother nature

daily, as each day is born new, and we are new

each and every minute of life..



Peace, Love, Light, and Harmony


Derena Bree(2019)



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